Participant Guidelines & Safety
Running with a stroller is absolutely fine. At the race start, please line up at the back of the pack for safety reasons. Running with dogs is prohibited: as is bicycling, inline skating, scooters, hoverboards, etc. Walking and running only in this event.

What time does the course close?
The course will remain open for all events for 4 hours and 57 minutes. Most notably, this means that participants in the 20-mile event must maintain a 14:53/mile pace. We match the maximum allowable pace that the Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus Marathon maintains.
20-mile participants will do our out-and-back route twice and must start their second loop by 10:28 AM. All 20-mile participants arriving at the start of the second loop after this time will be directed to finish and receive a time in the 10-mile event.

Safety and Medical
Orthopedic ONE is the official sports medicine provider for the Big Bad Wolfe Run. We will have athletic trainers at the finish line, as well as a number of trainers on the course mobile by way of bicycle. All trainers are certified in first aid, CPR, and have portable AED devices on hand.