Big Bad Wolfe's Historical Roots
Once upon a time, there lived a big bad wolf in a big bad forest. And in the village just outside of this big bad forest, lived a good little girl who went by the name ‘Little Red,’ so named for the red cape she kept tied around her neck at all times.
Now I know what you’re thinking—big bad wolf, little girl, red cape—I’ve heard this story before. But quite the contrary, that other story has actually caused this one a lot of grief over the years, not to mention several lawsuits in both civil and criminal court. But I digress.
Little Red was beloved by the little town because, despite her diminutive stature, she was thought to be one of the most feared big bad wolf hunters this side of the Mississip’. Thanks to her superior big game skill, she kept the big bad wolf and his big bad friends from leaving the big bad forest and terrorizing the peaceful, innocent village.
But what Little Red knew that the rest of the village did not was that she had never hunted in her life. Not only did she not own a gun, she had never even seen one. Instead, she bolstered her fearsome reputation with the knowledge that this particular big bad wolf and his big bad friends were deathly afraid of the color red—like the cape she wore around her neck on the way to visit dear old granny.
So long as Little Red wore her red cape, the village was safe. But one night, while Little Red was asleep, the big bad wolf made a deal with his undercover village informant* to steal the red cape and burn it.
*It is believed that this informant was actually a wolf disguised as Little Red’s dear old granny. How this disguise went unnoticed in the village is still a point of contention, though it is clear the wolf had somehow developed some exceptional baking skills to fortify his ploy.
When Little Red woke up, she could find the cape nowhere and was thus powerless to stop the big bad wolf and his big bad friends from causing a lot of big bad trouble in the village. But just before she was gobbled up by the big bad wolf himself, she shared the secret of his chromophobia with the rest of the village.
Now, once a year, the whole village dons that fearsome color and travels through the forest to ward off the big bad wolf. And you have the chance to join them. Wear red before, during, or after the race and help keep the big bad forest at bay.
But run fast—the wolves are hungry.